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Am I stupid, or does the base set only have 4 models in it? Two straight roads, a traffic cone and a lamp? I thought it was meant to have 40+

The base pack includes a total of 45 models, but as you pointed out, only 4 of them are in the FREE pack. This is explained in more detail in the "Versions" section.

Cheers, was confused thanks

Love the pack! Some other signs I would use: A tunnel ahead symbol and one way signs pointing left and right. Thanks!

Thanks a lot. Noted! Will add them in the next update

Just released an update with new road signs as you proposed!

Man, I just discovered your assets! they are unique in style keep up the good work! I'm grabbing this for a racing prototype game!

hell yeah, thrilled to hear that! Good luck, and let us know how it turns out!

These are really nice, clean assets! Pls keep it up! :-)

Could you maybe create something similar for race tracks? Like with roads without middle line, but with bends in  different angles and with curbs on the edges, starting position markers, finish line, box lane, different biomes (concrete, grass, sand, mud, etc.)?

Would so much appreciate it!

Thanks a lot! <3 

Sure, that's a great idea. We will look into it and try to include as much as possible in the next update. Stay tuned!

WOW!!! You really did it!! That‘s amazing!!

Thank you so so much!!

What a creator!! Excellent!!!

Thank you so much! We're thrilled that you like it and truly appreciate your suggestion. We always strive to deliver what the community proposes

nice one'!

thanks a lot, glad you like it!